October 20, 2010

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Pound Cake for The Cake Slice

I'm finally baking! Just in time for this month's installment of The Cake Slice. We start off our third year of baking from the book: Cake Keeper Cakes, a promising cookbook filled with different types of cakes: from round ones to loafs, bundts to crumb cakes, chiffon and snacking cakes. I'm excited to get this year started with this book.

The first cake our group chose is Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Pound Cake to keep with the season's baking. October signals Fall and Halloween so a cake with pumpkin is a perfect choice. The addition of chocolate chips and walnuts along with cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg truly fits in with the season. A great cake to enjoy with creamy coffee or tea, even a tall glass of milk.
My youngest son requested one without nuts so I obliged him and just added more chocolate chips. This is the picture you see here. (The first loaf were eaten right away that I didn't get a chance to take a picture!) Please see how other members of The Cake Slice did with this cake and get baking, just print the recipe.


chow and chatter said...

wow this looks amazing can I have a slice with my afternoon tea?

All That's Left Are The Crumbs said...

I liked the nuts but I think I will try a loaf without them next time. Your cake looks nice and moist and chocolately.

. said...

Ohhh more chocolate chips YUM! - great idea!!

natalia said...

Ciao ! Your loaf look really delicious !

beauty be told said...

YOurs looks delicious great photos:)

Brownieville Girl said...

Your cake looks fantastic ... as does everything on your blog!

Future Grown-Up said...

Extra chocolate chips is always appropriate in my opinion :)

Gorgeous photography by the way...your plating really makes the dessert shine!

Monica H said...

More chocolate never hurt anyone :-)

Your sliced cake looks great!

PS. Is that a wedgewood plate?

Emily said...

Looking really good!

Elle said...

Ican see why this didn't last long...delicious looking cake! Who needs nuts anyway?

Trisha said...

When I first introduced the concept of vegetable and chocolate cake (chocolate and zuccini cake), my workmates were dumbfounded! But I think these vegetables - zuccini, pumpkin - can really add a different twist to traditional cakes! Mmmmm!!

Anonymous said...

Your cake turned out lovely! I too was a huge fan of the cake. BTW, I love the name of your blog.

Kelly said...

Your cakes looks so moist and delicious!

I love that tablecloth (placemat, napkin?, too. So pretty.

Leslie Harris said...

That's what my cake needed, MORE chocolate! Your cake came out beautifully. :)


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