October 2, 2008

Cassava (or Kamoteng Kahoy or Mandioca)

In the Philippines, cassava is called kamoteng kahoy which literally means wooden yam. They are usually prepared to make sweets, the most popular I know of is cassava cake. I also remember eating them just boiled and sprinkled with freshly-grated coconut and a little sugar. Mmmm, simply yummy.

In Brazil, cassava is called mandioca. Brazilians eat them in a variety of ways, mostly in savory dishes. Nothing makes my husband more happy than eating them just boiled, slathered with butter and a pinch of salt.

I found a cassava recipe from A Scientist in the Kitchen called Pasingaw (means "to steam", I think) and was intrigued. I don't think I have had this before. So I was off to my favorite market to get cassava but couldn't find any. Luckily, the market carries frozen bags of freshly-grated cassava so picked those up along with frozen freshly-grated coconut as well and I was good to go.

I wanted to make them small enough to be eaten in a couple of bites so I used a mini muffin tin and placed them into my wok to steam. Twenty minuted later, mmmm, simply yummy.
makes 24 mini muffins

1 bag (16 oz.) frozen grated cassava, defrosted
1 cup grated coconut
3/4 cup brown sugar
2 Tbsp. butter, softened

Prepare steamer (or wok) by heating water to a simmer. Butter sides and tops of a mini muffin pan with butter.

In a medium bowl, mix cassava, coconut and sugar together until well-combined. Spoon into pan and dab a little more butter on top. Place in steamer for about 20 minutes. Serve with more grated coconut.


Big Boys Oven said...

looks awesomely delicious!

Anonymous said...

Had no idea mandioca was the same as kamoteng kahoy..

The recipe looks great. Never had this in the Philippines but always heard about it.

Caroline said...

Sunny/Sid, thanks!

Jude, this was really easy to make. And more cassava recipes in the works.


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