August 27, 2008

Finally! (A Cheesecake Story)

I've been in the mood for cheesecake for weeks now. So on our weekly grocery shopping at my husband's favorite store, I picked up a big 3-lb. chunk of cream cheese. My husband has that look, I know he's thinking "What's with all this cheese?" so I just said "I'm going to make cheesecake" and kept shopping.

The next day, I realized I didn't have any graham crackers. So he said he'll bake me some but then found out he didn't have molasses needed for the recipe. Then I told him I can substitute some Trader Joe's Joe-Joe's (they're like Oreos without the hydrogenated fat) but then he said it wouldn't be a "classsic" cheesecake. Uy!

So days passed, we kept going back and forth on how we're going to do my cheesecake. Then the weather got really hot and I felt lazy making it. I actually forgot about it until I saw my husband with my big chunk of cream cheese. I probably have that look "What you doing with my cream cheese?" so he just said "I only need an inch off this big block" and proceeded to make some coxinhas. (These were awesome, by the way. I will ask him for the recipe.)

Would you believe I forgot to buy the graham crackers on our weekly grocery shopping several times? I think this is when a shopping list comes handy, gotta try doing that. The always-talked-about-but-never-seen-cheesecake is how my husband would tease me when we talked about what to have for dessert for all these weeks.

So two days ago, I finally made it! The recipe I used is from Martha Stewart but then realized this one asked for sour cream. Guess what? I didn't have any. Uy. But I had some lowfat plain yogurt so decided to use that instead. Even I was getting tired of all this procrastination. My craving for cheesecake is back in full force!

The yogurt was a little runny so I placed it on a strainer lined with a coffee filter and let it drain in the fridge while I wait for the cream cheese to come to room temperature.
The cheesecake was out of the oven by afternoon but needed to cool down then chilled overnight. My husband didn't realized this so after dinner he asked when I will be serving the always-talked-about-and-finally-here cheesecake. I told him it wouldn't be ready until the next day. He let out a big Uy! and said "I ate a light dinner for nothing?!?"

So last night, I finally served it to rave reviews. My husband ate a light dinner a second night in a row to indulge in this really rich creamy cake. I served the chocolate glaze as a sauce on the side since my husband wanted to have his caramel sauce with it as well.

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